gjLists Updated on the App Store

gjLists has been updated to v2024.1 on the App Store.

gjLists screenshots

This is a major release comprising a complete rewrite using the latest Apple development technologies i.e. SwiftUI and SwiftData and sporting a fresh, new, simplified, UI design.

I started work on the rewrite at the end of June 2023, a couple of weeks after the announcement of SwiftData at WWWDC23. It was a rocky road at the start because SwiftData was still in its infancy and in beta. Although gjLists’ data storage requirements aren’t complex, it wasn’t until the release of iOS 17 in September 2023, and the official support for SwiftData, that it was possible to implement the rewrite. I then spent some time trying out different ideas for the UI design, but in the end decided to stick with the design implemented in gjNotes. I was almost ‘code compete’ when I got distracted and started working on a new app, gjPubs. gjPubs was released to the App Store on 20 February 2024 and, after a few quick maintenance releases, I started work again on the rewrite on 1 March. Four days later and the new and shiny rewrite of gjLists in available on the App Store!

If you’re into lists and/or to-do items, give gjLists a try. It’s free, and there are no ads. You can download it from the App Store using the link below. If you find it useful, and can spare some change, you can show your appreciation by throwing some coins in the tip jar - thanks.
