gjPace Is on the App Store

gjPace, my very first iOS App, is my seventh app released on the App Store.

gjPubs screenshots

I originally started writing gjPace in March 2017. It was my first iOS app and written in Swift using UIKit and Storyboards. I based it on an existing app in the App Store and never intended to release it to the App Store.

Seven years later and, although I don’t use it as much as I used to (pretty much trail running only now, where pace isn’t important to me), I still find it useful. But, since the app is not on the App Store, it regularly (every 90 days or so) ‘times out’ on my iPhone and will not run unless I build and deploy a ‘fresh’ copy to my phone. This is not a major issue but the code base is old and I get more and more Xcode compiler warnings about deprecated API calls etc. So far I’ve managed to build the project and ignore the compiler warnings and the app runs fine, even on the latest iOS 17.4, but some day soon I’ll hit a compiler warning/error that can’t be ignored.

With this in mind, a few weeks ago I started work on a ‘quick’ rewrite of the app using the latest Apple development technologies i.e. Swift and SwiftUI. I decided to exclude existing functionality that I no longer use, namely personal records, and to only provide the minimal required functionality i.e. the pace calculations screen. I also included an About screen with links to the credit acknowledgments and the privacy policy, since theses are essentially ‘free’ from my other apps.

After a few weeks delay because of moving house, gjPace was submitted for app review late yesterday evening and approved, first time, for distribution early this morning. Thanks to the app review team for a speedy turnaround.

If you enjoy running (who doesn’t?), give gjPace a try. It’s free, and there are no ads. You can download it from the App Store using the link below. If you find it useful, please consider giving it a review on the App Store and letting your running friends know about it - thanks.
