gjPace - My First iOS App

gjPace is an iOS app for calculating pace, time, speed, and distance combinations.

gjPace screenshots

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Customising the Contrast Jekyll Theme

In an earlier post Using the Contrast Jekyll Theme I described how I forked the Contrast Jekyll theme by Niklas Buschmann to create my website with the default theme.

In this post I describe how I customised the Contrast theme to suit the layout and style I wanted for my website.

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Installing Jekyll

GitHub Pages is a free service provided by GitHub to host static websites. It takes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files straight from a repository on GitHub, optionally runs the files through a build process, and publishes a website.

Once you have a website hosted on GitHub Pages, see Welcome GitHub Pages and Jekyll, it publishes any static files that are pushed to the website repository. By default, GitHub Pages uses Jekyll to build the site.

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Using the Contrast Jekyll Theme

In an earlier post Welcome GitHub Pages and Jekyll I described how I created a minimal website (a single content file, index.html) hosted on GitHub and using my custom domain. At this point I could have hand-crafted the structure and content of the website using HTML and CSS files etc. This would have been a perfectly reasonable approach, especially if you like writing HTML, but it does not take advantage of GitHub Pages’ support for Jekyll.

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Welcome GitHub Pages and Jekyll

I finally got around to looking into GitHub Pages and Jekyll, and this website is the end result.

I’ve had my own domain name for many years but have only ever used it for email addresses, never for a website. I couldn’t think of any content for it and, to be honest, I didn’t want to pay the hosting fees.

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