gjAero Is on the App Store

gjAero, my seventh iOS App, is my fifth app released on the App Store.

gjAero screenshots

I’m a coffee drinker. I love good coffee. Over the years I’ve bought all sorts of different coffee makers in search of the perfect cup of coffee that I could make at home. Some time ago I found the AeroPress© and struck gold.

When I first started using my AeroPress I found that although it’s easy to use, the quality of the coffee varied from brew to brew. Looking for a solution to the perfect AeroPress brew, I discovered a whole new world of brewing recipes and techniques, plus an app claiming to help create the perfect cup. I dropped some coin to buy the app and have been happily using it for years to make my AeroPress brews.

Although the app works perfectly on iOS 16, it was last updated way back in February 2019 (hence I’m not linking to it here, although you’ll find it easily enough in the App Store). It looks to me as though the developer has forgotten about it, and I was concerned that a future iOS update/release would stop it working. Disaster!

So, back in March 2022, I decided to create my own app, written in SwiftUI. The basic functionality of the app is just a series of countdown timers representing the different stages of the AeroPress brewing process. I prefer the Inverted brewing technique so the timed steps for me are pour, stir, steep, stir, flip, plunge. This was not difficult to implement, and I soon had an app I was using for all my brews.

I then started tweaking the UI. I’m no designer, so SwiftUI did a lot of the heavy lifting here. Eventually I had an app that looked okay, and I thought could be released to the App Store for others to use. The problem was it only supported my one inverted recipe. Not ideal. Back to the keyboard and many coding sessions later I had an app that allows recipes to be created, edited, and deleted, and supports both the classic and inverted methods. Fabulous.

It took longer than I expected, but gjAero is now available on the App Store. Currently you can’t synchronise your recipes across your devices, or backup or restore them (these will come with a future release once SwiftData is officially released), but it serves me well and I think it’s a useful companion to your AeroPress.

If you want to make great coffee, every time, with your AeroPress, give gjAero a try. It’s free and there are no ads. You can download it from the App Store using the link below. If you find it useful, and can spare some change, you can buy me some coffee beans by throwing some coins in the tip jar - thanks.
