gjAero Is on the App Store

gjAero, my seventh iOS App, is my fifth app released on the App Store.

gjAero screenshots

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“Goodbye CountAPI, Hello TelemetryDeck"

With the release of gjICE in October 2022 I started using the free counting service CountAPI (link likely to 404 in the future) to collect anonymous usage data for private analytics to help understand how my apps are used and to support future developments. Unfortunately, some months ago I noticed that CountAPI was not responding to the http calls to increment my counters. At first it looked like an intermittent problem with their API server, but it soon became obvious that the problem was terminal and it was unlikely to be resolved any time soon, if at all. It was time to look for an alternative, more robust and, ideally free, solution for gathering anonymous usage data. Enter TelemetryDeck.

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gjICE Updated on the App Store

gjICE has been updated to v2023.1 on the on the App Store.

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gjNotes Updated on the App Store

gjNotes has been updated to v2023.1 on the on the App Store.

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gjLists Updated on the App Store

gjLists has been updated to v2023.3 on the App Store.

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